Ready for visitors
I've spent the last couple of hours tidying up blog posts, trying to make sure that the links all point to the right place and that all the cross-references are correct. I think I'm there now, but please let me know if you find broken links across the domain.
The most popular posts, at least according to google analytics, are:
- Gimp for Photographers - an article I wrote years ago listing resources and tutorials for people using the Gimp editor
- Braun Pixelbank - a review of the Braun Pixelbank portable photo storage device
- SQL Server 2005 upgrades usually found because of the reference to the lovely SQL Server error message "sql server blocked access to procedure 'sys.sp_oacreate' of component 'ole automation procedures'"
- Balda Baldixette - the review of my 1956 Balda Baldixette camera (also relevant is Balda Baldixette details a post listing the specification of the camera)
- spu_generateinsert - a series of blog posts explaining a stored procedure I maintain to generate SQL insert statements from data (now hosted on google docs)
- Blackbird fly - a review of the Superheadz Blackbird fly camera