Following a similar order to last year’s post for easy comparison (by the future me)

My goal tracker looks pretty healthy. Some misses but generally a year doing what I said I wanted to do. I’m not planning on continuing this into 2021 as I feel I need to focus more on being rather than doing.

I filled another 6 notebooks with observations and gratitudes. I plan to continue doing this in 2021, though I am playing with the format a bit.

My most-liked photos on Instagram - I didn’t care enough to pay the £2 to remove the watermark as, actually, it’s just for my interest. I am pleased to see that my lockdown safari photo was the top one. It’s one of the most amazing things that happened during that first lockdown.

My Fitbit stats. Firstly sleep - hitting my 7-hour average comfortably

and then steps, still over 12,500 despite working from home for 9 months (it’s taken effort)

My Goodreads record of books read - surprisingly I read 74 books again. I’m not planning on setting a ‘target’ for this year, as I found myself choosing shorter or easier to read books so that I remained on track. Which isn’t supposed to be the point at all.

I did get a year in review graphic from Pocket as well. But I’m not reading much from my collection at the moment, as it tended to be a lunch break from work thing, and as I’m working from home, that’s taken up with different activities. Interestingly they did tell me that I was in the top 10% of readers and had read 146k words. Last year I was in the top 5% and read 1.3m words. Make of that what you wish.

Finally, it’s Spotify. Another service I haven’t used as often this year. Working from home means that I’m much more in control of my own environment, and so don’t need to rely on Spotify to cancel office noise.

And of course, I spent the year trying new things.