This evening I helped Nick with VBUG Brighton held at Madgex. Our speaker was Sebastien Lambla who
runs Caffeine IT, a .net consultancy, helping the good people of London adopt new technologies, new processes, new methodologies and in general anything that's new and shiny
speaking about ASP.NET MVC, test driven development and Ajax with ASP.NET MVC.

He gave a brief introduction to MVC within an ASP.NET world before moving on to some demos. Seb was a great presenter, obviously understood his subject and continued smiling even when his code failed. He was even prepared enough to pre-post the blog post relating to his talk including a link to the code he was demoing (he promised to tweak it and make it work).

We had some new attendees this evening, mainly because it's ReMix tomorrow and Friday and so people who'd arrived early popped along to join us. Amongst these was Andrew, chairman of VBUG, so it was interesting to find out what his thoughts on all things Microsoft related.