I’ve been an active googlereader user for at least 6 years. I consume content via it on a daily basis, mostly via the API into the reeder iOS apps, but also via the native browser site when at work.

Google announced yesterday that they’re retiring googlereader in July, and I, like many, starting thinking about finding a replacement. The last service that I actively used that I was looking for an alternative for was delicious. I blogged about what I wanted from a replacement so that I could evaluate what I wanted. I’m doing the same here. So, without further ado, what I want is something with :
* ability to group feeds into categories
* ability to easily send posts to instapaper
* ability to easily get posts into pinboard - an ifttt recipe will do - I currently do this via favouriting a post and let pinboard do the rest
* ability to email a post to someone
* a decent, uncluttered web interface
* syncing across devices - so if I read via the web then it doesn’t appear on an iOS device
* either a good iOS app that has offline ability, or has the ability to be consumed by reeder

The current front runner is feedly which has given tips on migrating from google reader to welcome it’s influx of RSS consumers but I’m planning on waiting for a while to see what other options arise in the next few months.

All suggestions welcomed.