
0.38 miles of walking
8.19 miles of running
10 minutes of yoga


4.87 miles of walking
10 minutes of yoga


5.62 miles of walking
4.28 miles of running (GoodGym #22)
10 minutes of yoga


3.95 miles of walking
10 minutes of yoga


2.7 miles of walking
10 minutes of yoga


7.67 miles of walking
10 minutes of strength workout
10 minutes of yoga


2.95 miles of walking
5.18 miles of running (Park run #2)
10 minutes of yoga

Richard was away in Oxford from Sunday to Tuesday so my mornng walks were solo, but I still headed out - it also meant that I went for my longest run of all time on Sunday. Thursday saw me heading to our London office so the walks were fitted in around trains and tubes.

I’m pretty pleased with a consistent yoga practice of 10 minutes per day. It’s a manageable amount that I fit in before heading to my bed.