Notebook fabric tote - Gridlines facing

For my birthday last year my friend bought me a collection of fabrics that resembled pages of stationery. I love stationery. I love fabric. What a great gift.

Finally the other weekend I got around to using the first pieces. I’d had a plan for a while. I just needed to get on with it but had prioritised finishing my quilt.

I’d been thinking for a while that the tote bag design would look cute. So I decided to give it a go. Two of the fabric pieces were orange grid lines and japanese script (I think - it was printed on a different orientation). These looked like they would work together well from a colour and size perspective. So, I bought some coordinating fabric from the Brighton Sewing Centre.

And then I started sewing. All told it was 2 or 3 hours work. And it mostly went to plan. Well, if you ignore the fact that there isn’t a straight line on it. You’d think that having grid lines would help, but they aren’t straight either. Or at least that is my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

Notebook fabric tote

I’m pretty happy with the result. It is a perfect size for magazines or books and I think it looks cute.