Rating: 3 out of 5

This was mentioned in one of our local newsletters and so I dowoaded the sample chapter. I was on a train to London (admittedly London Bridge not Victoria) whilst reading the sample chapter and was won over by the frequent links to Wikipedia or other websites in the sample so bought and downloaded the book, still whilst on the train. It’s not a long book, which is probably a good thing, as it kept me interested and engaged with the material, something that can’t be said of all local history writing. It is well written but has a style that I can imagine not being everyone’s “cup of tea”. There are also quite a few spelling/grammatical errors which are grating and annoying to me, I usually spot these things and they interrupt my flow. Overall, if you’re interested in learning more about what is outside of your train window as it whooshes past, then it’s worth a read

Originally posted to my Goodreads account