Book review: Lillian on Life by Alison Jean Lester
Rating: 3 out of 5
An interesting way to write a story. Reads like an autobiography but because of how it’s broken down it feels guarded and reserved and like I didn’t really get to know or care about Lilian. Disappointing.
Highlighted passages:
They wake up at all the wrong times, and see all the wrong things.
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all is just so much rubbish sometimes.
Relationships don’t end when you stop seeing each other and talking to each other. I think you have a relationship—you as an individual have a relationship with someone—as long as the memory of him plucks a string on your heart.
When people tell you a story—something that happened to them, something important—don’t ask them what they did. Ask them what they wanted to do. What they want to do is who they are. Actions are whispers compared to dreams.
Originally posted to my Goodreads account