Rating: 3 out of 5

This is one of the James Bond stories re-imagined by alternative authors. Recommended by my hairdresser (as many of my books are) as being a good, fun, easy read. Having listened to many of the Ian Fleming Bond stories as audiobooks a few years ago, the style and pace seemed well-matched. There was a little more scene/context setting than I remembered, mentioning other tales. Overall a good read, the James Bond character seemed familiar and the story typical. Kind of what you’d expect which I guess is a good thing, but nothing to set the world alight

Highlighted passages:

A man who travels alone has time to reflect and observe.

Heroin was first legally marketed by the German company Bayer as a cough cure.

‘My father told me that outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem he was offered an egg from the cock that crew.’ ‘The cock that -‘ ‘When Peter denied Christ for the third time.’ ‘Improbable.’ ‘For a number of reasons.’

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