Some time ago, I subscribed to a concept called Free Range Magazines - independent magazines curated around a theme and sent out every couple of months. I chose the “Big Adventure” stream. I love the idea, but I fell behind on my magazine reading and still have a backlog to work through.

I’m not sure when Command+i arrived in the post, but after a recent clear-out, it surfaced to the top of the pile — so I picked it up. What a fantastic concept. Super niche: combining colour and travel, but both are things I love, so it was a perfect fit.

The edition I have is for Italy, and I’ve really enjoyed browsing its beautiful photography, each image paired with a ready-made colour palette and even suggested use cases:

perfect for spaces designed to invoke relaxation and mindfulness


This combination lends itself perfectly to high-end corporate branding, effectively conveying trustworthiness and strength

I have no idea what the current status of this magazine is or if there will be an Edition 4, but if there is, I’ll be buying it.