Chocolate fridge cake
My Mum’s recipe book has been sitting on a shelf in the spare room since I emptied the family home. I picked it up and looked at it now and again but it felt a bit like I was holding on to it for Mum. Rather than it being mine. As Mum is no longer alive it is now definitely mine.
Last week I was away with work for a couple of days. And my traveling buddy, who is also an excellent baker, mentioned that her oven had broken but she had contributions to make for a fête. I mentioned that Mum often made chocolate fridge cake for such events and we had a conversation about what went into Mum’s recipe. But I was a bit hazy on the details.
When I got home from the trip I had a look through Mum’s recipe book and there it was.
So last weekend I decided to give it a go. And I’m pleased to report that it worked well. I substituted Rich Tea biscuits for Morning coffee biscuits as my local supermarket didn’t have Morning Coffee. What I hadn’t appreciated was that I was going to find making chocolate fridge cake an emotional experience. But I did. Using Mum’s recipe book, looking at her writing, thinking about the countless times I’d seen her make it and eaten the results. All good though.
My baker friend has since sourced some Morning Coffee biscuits and after a taste comparison test I can say that the difference is minor. The Rich Tea are a little snappier and a bit more robust (when being dunked into tea). But that’s about it.
I’ve since been looking at other recipes to gain inspiration on tweaks and changes I can make. I suspect there will be more experimentation.