Brighton Photo Fringe
On Saturday, I met up with one of the ladies I met on the Creative Digital Photography course and after a little bit of plotting we headed off to visit some of the galleries in the Brighton Photo Fringe.
Our first destination was the Brighton Media Centre and the Bystander exhibition. There was a good collection of photos displayed, and my personal favourites were those by Claire Pepper and Laura Pannack which I found really arresting. Next up was the Rimini-Beach exhibition, still in the Media Centre, by Beatrice Haverich. These had some amazing colours.We left the Media Centre and headed down to the seafront to see the Petrusco exhibition in the Fortune of War. These photos, whilst not exactly to my tastes, have obviously had a large amount of planning to result in some eye-catching images.Next up was the Human Endeavour exhibition at the Bellis Gallery. This was probably my favourite exhibition and covered a theme which covered the societal impact of consumerism and waste, geological scars on the landscape, globalisation etc. I left this exhibition clutching a map styled collection of photographs entitled Textures of Time: landscape architecture produced by Richard Chivers. This document is a really different way to display images, which is probably why I felt compelled to buy it. My favourite diptych photo is that of a quarry, mainly because if you just saw the left hand photo on its own you wouldn't really see anything remarkable about it, but when it is displayed next to its partner the full story becomes apparent.All in all, a great wander and some wonderful inspirational images. I'd recommend a wander around if you get an opportunity.