
Another excellent Geek Girl Dinner last night. Aleks Krotoski presented enthusiastically and engagingly on The Social Life of Virtual Worlds.

I wasn't sure what to expect prior to attending this talk, I'm not a virtual world user, I've never used Second Life, World of Warcraft or any of the others. I think part of the reason for this is just not knowing what to expect, and a concern that I would end up spending yet more time staring at a computer screen!

Aleks's presentation was very good, explaining the social aspects to virtual games, how relationships work, and most importantly how important it is to be consistent with your behaviour to result in trust. She describes herself as "I am a PhD student examining the relationship between communication patterns and group processes in information diffusion through an online community." and so this talk covers the results of quite a bit of her research.

The rest of the evening was as good as the last two events, with prizes, wonderful food and of course great girl geeks to chat to.