Rating: 4 out of 5

This has been on my “currently reading” list for over 18 months. I couldn’t work out how to read it. I started off with randomly choosing a practice every week and then trying to put that practice into action during the week. Some weeks were more successful than others. Weekends are easier than workdays for me as I find myself mentally working through to do lists. Which suggests workdays are the days that I should actively be practicing these things.

This morning, while on holiday in Wales, I’ve sat in a garden with the intermittent sun shining on me. The dog is slumped in the corner in a warm and sunny spot. I’m hearing the chirp of birds, occasionally stopping to use the Merlin app to see who I’m listening to. I’ve read through all the practices. I’ve appreciated the, sometimes a bit repetitive, science that explains how the practices work (I don’t think it is designed to be read in one sitting). I’ve appreciated the questioning nature of the descriptions.

I wish there had been a “how best to use this” section giving some ideas about where to take these practices, how to fit them in - a different one every day? find one that fits into your life and use it? Maybe that’s the point. We all have different lives. The point isn’t necessarily the description of the practices. It’s in the application.

It has left me thinking.

Originally posted to my Goodreads account