Rating: 4 out of 5

Well written. Thoughtful and thought provoking. Made me smile. Made me cry. Made me play online scrabble.

Highlighted passages:

Nothing happens in my life. Nothing has to happen, she said, for it to be life.

Elf is examining the hem of her blanket and smoothing out its creases.

You still have to eat.

Everyone in the whole world was fighting with somebody to stay. When Richard Bach wrote “If you love someone, set them free” he can’t have been directing his advice at human beings.

If you have to end up in the hospital, try to focus all your pain in your heart rather than your head.

even if I didn’t wholeheartedly believe in the existence of God it felt good to close your eyes and make a mental list of all the things you were grateful for.

Go into hard things quickly, eagerly, then retreat. It’s the same for thinking, writing and life.

the pain of letting go of grief is just as painful or even more painful than the grief itself. It means goodbye,

Originally posted to my Goodreads account