
I'd noticed a couple of people with photos of stories in the wild around Brighton (part of the 41 Places installation as it turns out). Yesterday I headed out armed with shiny new camera and downloaded map to see how many I could find.

I headed first for number 13, outside Churchill Square, and found that without difficulty. It wasn't all I found. As I stood there taking photos 2 guys wandered up and spoke to me, offering me a leaflet with the map on - I showed them my downloaded version, and took a copy of their slightly more weatherproof version - ink jet printer + rain = splodgy downloaded map :-(

As we stood talking I discovered that one of the guys was no other than William Shaw, the author. He mentioned that there was a flickr group for the installation, and in the absence of any other way to remember this I handed him one of my moo cards. He recognised my name, and so we chatted a bit more and realised that he is one of my Brighton Bloggers.

We moved on, and I headed off to find some more, and discovered that I was following them. I realised that I'd missed an opportunity and that I should have taken a photo of William with his artwork. Fortunately they stopped at number 12 to make sure I spotted it, and so I shot this photo.

All in all I managed to find 8 of the places yesterday, and I've put together a page charting my progress. I'm hoping to find some more at the weekend..